Efficiency is NOT about Preference

So I am on this new journey of seeking to facilitate a level of efficiency in order to spent the proper time in the right places. Once I become interested in something I can literally stay in that place for hours at a time exploring, musing, or simply testing things out. Now as fun as this is and as healthy as it is at times this can prove to be a time killer. 

I can't recall how many nights I spent hours scrolling IG or FB exploring art, music, underwater photography and the like. The only issue is.. what happens when I need to wake up in a  few hours to begin my work day? 

Lately, I was challenged to stop meeting with people. I was challenged to look at how effective my time is and to what degree there was any level of productivity. Sadly enough, I had to admit I had not been effective/ productive  at all. 

Last week my challenge was to watch my words. 
No explaining. 
I saw this significantly cut down the time I spent talking to people and explaining things that were a total waste. I saw that what people needed was not an explanation rather they needed guidance,a directive or simply the opportunity to come to a place of decision on their own. 

This week, I am looking to continue that except I want to add to that spending less time to do regular activities. Meetings, cleaning, cooking, shopping, phone calls etc.,

Now none of these changes were my preference at all. I have come to realize..if I am going to grow and move forward then I must let of preference and grab hold of efficient practice. 

Change is here and I am loving it. 

Productivity.. Here I come



  1. Explaining too much is one of the things I try to watch, too. You're right - it's often not the most efficient strategy!


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