Rest, Child

Not sure what to blog about today. After a pretty intense conversation with my colleagues today I was utterly exhausted. I took a break to lie in bed to gather my thoughts before commencing class readings and homework.

3 hours later I woke up thinking “wow,  I must have been tired”. Rest these days seems to be more valuable and much more needed than I once thought. Monday, I decided no homework, just rest. I was energized Tuesday and ready for all that was before me. I managed to be productive and catch up on a few things. 

Now 12:24 am and I am hitting the homework train. 

I am slow walking the path to discovering why on Earth I am so tired. I think at this point have a few things to consider
1. Absence of protein (I typically eat 2 eggs 5 days per week) 
2. The world affairs 
3. More physical activity 
4. Not enough water intake 

Ok I get it. I need to get back on track and stick to the routine. It never fails me. 
Eggs, spinach, water here I come. 

Rest... I shall meet you soon. 



  1. Hooray for spinach!! Hope you feel rested soon, Tiffany.

  2. Hey Tiffany. Have you heard of the Nap Ministry? It's been a really helpful social media account that reminds me to take care of myself when I am doing the exhausting work.

    1. Hi Danielle, never heard of it before. Thanks! I am going to go check it out.


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