The Best Days are Now

I am guilty. 

I am the one looking at the day before me and saying,  I cant wait until tomorrow. Why? What is it about today that is not fulfilling enough that will cause me to be content, focused, appreciative in what is happening now? 

For some reason I find myself thinking tomorrow is going to be wonderful. Only to get to tomorrow and that same thought is there from the previous day. What’s funny is at the end of each year there is a level of anticipation for the new year for all the great things that will happen. But when the clock moves to usher us into a new year what really changes other than time? Truly it is the moments within the given time that determine how that year will be. To some, 2020 has been the greatest mess of a year. To others, it has been a blessing. I’m sure to either group 2020 was definitely an anticipated time to see what’s next with the expectation it was somehow better than the current time. 

Today,  I choose to challenge myself to enjoy today.  Be content with whatever circumstance is before me. 

I am convinced..

The best days are now. 



  1. Your post reminds me of a quote from The Office: "I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them." Sounds like you figured it out already. :)

    1. Lori, thanks so much!!!!

      Oh how I need that reminder even today!!
      God Bless.

  2. Very deep and reflective! And the challenge you have issued yourself is the toughest one and yet rejuvenating! We are always worried about the future and forget to live in the present! That is the mistake we all make.

    1. I know right. I tried it last week and it was awesome. I definitely enjoyed being able to focus on the moment and simply enjoy it. It also helped me by slowing down.


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