Considering the Other Side

There was once this person in my life that I referred to as my love. He is kind, generous, compassionate, energetic, funny, hardworking and also very loving. I no longer refer to him as my love but the relationship with him allowed me to learn there are many layers to who people are. Many experiences combined that cause us to be who we are. Unique complex beings. It makes me think of the people that know me but do not really know who I really am. They aren’t truly aware of the occurrences in life that have shaped my personality, emotional responses or my expectations of others. 

They are however aware of the person today that is presented before them. 

Reminds me of a friend of mine who is married. I’d have my own perception of how she was doing and when we spoke I was able to learn so many new things about her and how what I saw was only a tiny fraction of the reality of her life. 

I think if this were more at the forefront of my mind I would facilitate greater levels of consideration, compassion, patience, and forgiveness towards others. 


  1. It's in our nature to characterize other humans so that we can more easily understand them, but it really is just a mental shortcut that we take and it doesn't do justice to how complicated people can be.

    1. Hmmmm indeed. Mental shortcuts. Thank you George. Much needed.


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