
Last One

Years ago I had a dream I would have a blog. I was sooooo excited about it and yet was also very afraid. How would I do it>? Would anyone read it?    Would it be interesting? What platform would I use and what would it look like? One of the things I love about this blog is its my thoughts, my ideas, all my way. I live and work in a world that requires a level of awareness, consideration and couth. MY blog is where I am free to write my thoughts and ideas without a filter.  I’m saddened this is the last blog, but is it? I mean who cares    its the end of Summer. The fun does not have to stop. So should this continue to be a Blog of random topics, my experience of being a single black woman or one about being a great steward. OR maybe it can be one that has alllll these components.  Guess we will need to wait and see.  Enjoy 

Considering the Other Side

There was once this person in my life that I referred to as my love. He is kind, generous, compassionate, energetic, funny, hardworking and also very loving. I no longer refer to him as my love but the relationship with him allowed me to learn there are many layers to who people are. Many experiences combined that cause us to be who we are. Unique complex beings. It makes me think of the people that know me but do not really know who I really am. They aren’t truly aware of the occurrences in life that have shaped my personality, emotional responses or my expectations of others.  They are however aware of the person today that is presented before them.  Reminds me of a friend of mine who is married. I’d have my own perception of how she was doing and when we spoke I was able to learn so many new things about her and how what I saw was only a tiny fraction of the reality of her life.  I think if this were more at the forefront of my mind I would facilitate greater levels of...

Gone to Soon

Today marks the first day of the last week of the Summer 2020 session. Oh boy this Summer has been amazing thus far. Full of personal, professional, and academic challenges for me for sure. I don’t think I will ever forget this year. Plus as much that has occurred this Summer I    don’t see things slowing down at all!!!!! We have primary election occurring soon. Next the presidential election not to mention we are indeed in Hurricane season. Hopefully things aren’t too crazy for us. I mean the price of food has gone up already and we have already had a shortage of cleaning supplies, household goods and some other foods. Let us pray it does not get any worse. What has also been interesting to me this semester has been the change in industry. Who knew back in February that corona virus would have this level of economic impact on us holistically. I have been so sad about not being able to go to the movies anymore. Each time I ride by he AMC 20 theater I become sad. I think about ...


Lately I have been listening to Pandora as I complete coursework. It is sooooo relaxing and calming. Minus the ads this is an amazing application.  I just cant bring myself to pay additional money for the ad free service.  Months ago I used Pandora but only really listened to sessions that played water sounds and nature sounds. They helped me to sleep and relax. They were also great for meditation. I will have to revisit them soon.    Currently my favorite station is Allen Stone. His music is amazing. I found out about him years ago from a friend and I was dying to see him in concert. About 7 years later my dream came true and I saw in play in Atlanta. What a treat.  OK,back to Pandora. Lately Pandora has increased my love and appreciation for music. It introduces me to new artists, allows me to consider different emotions and also reminds me of some really great times!!!  What I will do this week is take time to get my stations updated. I’m missing my natu...


I took a look at my IG yesterday and thought ” I need some new pics” My IG is dedicated to 2 things. Sharing photos taken from my iPhone and sharing snapshots on my story of random happenings in my life.  Typically the photos I post from my phone are of things or people I have seen in my travels that I find unique or interesting. Occasionally they include people I know and love.  The last pics I took were from Fathers Day of my brother and his son. It’s nearing a month later....  I was thinking I need to go somewhere so I can take some photos. In reality I think I just need to find something around me that will inspire me. I just need to look a little harder, a little closer and be a little more open to the beauty of the simple things I encounter daily.   Check out my last pics. My nephew Mateo was only willing to take a picture if we said dinosaur eggs. Imagine that. 

Nothing New Under the Sun

As a kid I can recall speaking to my stepfather and him telling me “there’s nothing new under the sun”. Baffled by what that meant and searching to determine how in any way was that relevant to my initial question. I repeated my question. I received the same response. Years later I have seen many circumstances and occurrences that clarified that statement for me.  A few days ago I took time to listen to a favorite song of mine “Might not Be OK” The first time I saw this song performed via YouTube the artist was actually crying. He was heartbroken, frustrated, angry, confused, tired. Each emotion, you could feel in the song. So much so that I started to cry.  So as listened to it a few days ago I was shocked at how relevant the song was 3 years later. It broke my heart. Then, I was reminded of that phrase my stepfather told me “there is nothing new under the sun”. It sobered me a bit and I began to consider:  Should I be upset, angry, frustrated?  OR  Should I ac...

My Dream

My dream is to be happy, at peace, and content with whatever my life is at any given moment. In Philippians 4:11-12 the great Apostle Paul penned:  11  I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  12  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. This reads as a man of great wisdom , strength, patience, awareness and discipline. Some days I look around and conclude I am neither happy, content or at peace. Rather I am passing through, existing from one moment to the next. Seeking to show up and be present in the best manner I can. But, what does this say? Seeking to show up absent    of contentment is only an indicator that I can and must do better for my own quality of life.  My dream is to model what I profess to believe.  My dre...