
Showing posts from June, 2020

Nice Chat, Cincere

So I have an 18 year old nephew, Cincere. Yes, that is his real name. His family and friends call him Cin for short. The ladies, who knows? Now for a handsome young man,    a name like Cincere is what I would call a thirst trap. I wonder what people    think when they meet him and find out his name? He’s also very soft spoken and very, what I call, chill. I can only imagine that makes people a little more curious about who he is. He is also very funny and loves to laugh which makes it even more cool to be around him. Lastly, he’s a great conversationalist. Very cool to sit and chat with him because he typically has something cool to talk or laugh about.  I saw him this weekend and we took time to chat about his next steps and how hard it was for him to graduate high school. We laughed about how difficult high school is to complete with so many challenges. He also shared how hard he felt it was for people his age during the pandemic, Black Lives Matter, and how i...

Daddy, I Love You

Yesterday my dad turned 60. For many reasons this was a very cool day. To begin, my dad and mom broke up early on when my mom was pregnant with me. Growing up I don’t ever recall spending my dads birthday with him. It was like most holidays where I send the obligatory “Happy ____________” with an accompanying photo or heart.  Last week I just had a burning    urge to be sure I went to see him in Climax, Ga (yes that is a real city). I did and it was great. I never got my dad a birthday gift or birthday card. This year I did and I must say it was a ton of fun shopping for things he would enjoy.  His house recently burned down and they (he and his spouse) lost all their things. I decided to get him a nice casual jacket as well as a dri fit shirt that will keep him cool when he is working outside. I also got him some cologne, card, pics (of course of me his beautiful daughter), and some money. Like me, well maybe I’m like him, my dad is selfless and believes in taking c...

The Best Days are Now

I am guilty.  I am the one looking at the day before me and saying,    I cant wait until tomorrow. Why? What is it about today that is not fulfilling enough that will cause me to be content, focused, appreciative in what is happening now?  For some reason I find myself thinking tomorrow is going to be wonderful. Only to get to tomorrow and that same thought is there from the previous day. What’s funny is at the end of each year there is a level of anticipation for the new year for all the great things that will happen. But when the clock moves to usher us into a new year what really changes other than time? Truly it is the moments within the given time that determine how that year will be. To some, 2020 has been the greatest mess of a year. To others, it has been a blessing. I’m sure to either group 2020 was definitely an anticipated time to see what’s next with the expectation it was somehow better than the current time.  Today,    I choose to challen...

Kayaking Soon?

A few weeks back myself and some friends (group of 5 ) went kayaking! It was sooooo much fun. We kayaked on the Wakulla River with a mother and daughter and the guide, Robby).  To put this in context > While my mom was pregnant with me she lived in Venice Beach, Florida. Daily,    she would walk to the beach and enjoy the waves. In my early 30’s she told me this and talked about how I must have known she was at the beach because I would immediately settle in her belly.    Funny thing is, although I have not grown up around water it has always been my place of peace. Lakes, rivers, sea, or pool. Water calms my soul and brings me a level of serenity that is unmatched.  While on the river my friend talked about how hot it was. To her my response was, “as long as I am on the water the heat doesn’t matter”. It took 3 hours to finish the river. We saw a few crocodiles, I missed the manatees in my kayak but a few of my friends got a peek, a host of turtles, and...

Facing the Facts

For the past 7 days I have spent some much needed time in prayer about me! I have been able to sit and reflect about my recent attitudes, beliefs, practices    and have been able to acknowledge and accept some realities about my personality.  A few weeks ago while chatting with my sister she said “Tiffany you are so entitled.” My initial response was to laugh. Then after a moment her comment began to sting. “Sis, what made you say that?” She began, so gracefully, explaining to me how I feel people should do things for me. She pointed out a recent comment I made about believing there are certain things I should not have to pay for. I listened and laughed again. At this point, feeling very uncomfortable.  I wondered, was it really wrong that I felt that way?    She kept talking... I continued to listen. Interjecting every so often with a question for clarity or a comment of justification. Much of the other things she shared I don’t remember. I do however reca...

Efficiency is NOT about Preference

So I am on this new journey of seeking to facilitate a level of efficiency in order to spent the proper time in the right places. Once I become interested in something I can literally stay in that place for hours at a time exploring, musing, or simply testing things out. Now as fun as this is and as healthy as it is at times this can prove to be a time killer.  I can't recall how many nights I spent hours scrolling IG or FB exploring art, music, underwater photography and the like. The only issue is.. what happens when I need to wake up in a  few hours to begin my work day?  Lately, I was challenged to stop meeting with people. I was challenged to look at how effective my time is and to what degree there was any level of productivity. Sadly enough, I had to admit I had not been effective/ productive  at all.  Last week my challenge was to watch my words.  No explaining.  I saw this significantly cut down the time I spent talking to people and explainin...

Caring for Tiffany

  Hmmmmmm.... why do I feel as if I need permission to take a break, do a little less, ask for help or ask for an exception? I have always been the one to celebrate at any opportunity to care for myself when it is recommended by someone I know is looking out for my best interests.  If only I were able to do that more consistently on my own things would be better. I think I will challenge myself to a few things I will commit to doing throughout the week that will help me facilitate much needed time to reflect, release and relax. A few of my all time favs are listed below. Feel free to share some of yours.  Hot bath with rose petals and Candles  Read Chapters 8 and 9 12 years a Slave. (I Have Been reading this book for 2 years)  Start to draw a picture I found on a Facebook Group Vlog an adventure as I go drop off recycling  Make an omelette (now this should be fun)  These are all things that facilitate a creative passion and help me relax and reflect. I...

Its a New Day

Today I started a new schedule. I will be waking up at 4am daily for my daily devotion then facilitating coursework from 5 am-8 am. I must say I am a little nervous but also equally excited. It seems that my brain works very well in the morning. No distractions, other than sleep seeking to recapture me. Oh and the kicker. My new bedtime is 9pm. I am night owl to the core and love late peaceful nights. Sadly,  for now, I must say goodbye to the late night and hello to the early days.  Now today was a little rough. I woke up an hour late and fell asleep during devotion. So that significantly cut my study time short. Initially, I started to feel guilty then quickly told myself to snap out of it. Today is the first day and things must only improve from here. It has to. Right?  This suggestion was recommended by my sister after I discussed with her my struggles with managing my day to day life. It seemed I could not just get it together. After about an hour and a half talk abo...

Me Eyes, My Soul, My Heart

Yesterday, while doing my normal scroll through social media I was able to finally conclude what I have been looking at is not healthy for me. I am all down for being educated and aware. However, there is a level of awareness that I believe is painful to my soul and my heart.  You know, I began to wonder; Am I becoming desensitized to violence?  Is public discrimination becoming normal to me?  Are hateful words as common to me as saying good morning or goodnight to a family member or friend? I must say I am concerned. My evening routine must change to include positive imagery that will assist me in not internalizing the images and sounds of hate, hurt and violence that I see.  I think I’ll start to watch one of my favorite shows ever “Girlfriends”. It never gets old ever and it always places me in the right mindset.  Caring for me, one post at a time.  - Tiffany 

Riding While Raining

Today was quite an adventure. My mom and I went on a bike ride and it was exhilarating. I absolutely wanted to quit twice. Thankfully I did not. My mom and I got caught in the rain. Not a drizzle, but a full outpour.  Now, I must admit for the last two weeks I have been wondering what happens when you ride in the rain or when its wet?  Are you more likely to fall or slip?  Can you see?  Welp, today was the day I found out.  It actually wasn’t different from dry riding it only required a different level of awareness and concentration.  There was a large semi riding towards my mom while we were in the rain. From what I saw the driver was not going to move until my mom motioned for him to do so. My thoughts, “we are small but mighty, move  over!” Thankfully he moved over and we were able to get home safely. My mom seemed to be a bit rattled by the rain. Myself on the other hand, it was a wild and crazy time. I can say it was cool to get caught in the rain...

Thank You, Apple

I took me a while but I decided to purchase a new iPad for school, business, and ministry. Indeed, this was one of the best decisions I have made. For starters, I love the lightweight, thin model of the IPad. I can carry it in my purse without much issue or in my hand. Also, it gives me the ability to download so many different apps!!  Someone purchased an iPad for me a few years back and it was such a blessing.I gave that IPad to my sister and decided to purchase a new one for myself. Guess its the gift that keeps on giving.  Thus far I have been pleased with my purchase. I am looking forward to exploring new apps that are for fun. Currently the apps I have downloaded are practical things that keep me organized and those things I simply need for day to day.  I think I will make a goal to find at least 3 apps that can help me have fun. I’m thinking something with —Art/Photography/Journaling  Games: love games that make me think critically Wild Card: I need to explore...


It all started with my mom getting fit by cycling. On March 30, 2020 she purchased a bike and began riding for her life. Literally. She would ride daily and I would encourage her to keep riding.  Weeks later I finally joined her and thoroughly  enjoyed myself. Of course in typical Tiffany fashion I began  harassing my mom about starting a bike club. I came along saying  “Ma, what you need to do is start a bike club, I’ll come up with the name”. A few days later I came back and said, “Ma, I have the name for your club. What about LBC? It stands for Lynn’s Bike Club!” Much to my surprise she consented. Months later,  we are 6 members strong and we will be planning our first Exploratory ride. Each month we decided we will ride in a different location to explore new areas and get fit. Today,  I scheduled a ride for us and we got rained out.  No biggie. We are in the process of meeting and I decided to write my blog about the BIKE CLUB.  ...

Yes, You! Lets Hear It

I read a Blog post from Professor Dennen Today, It challenged me. It challenged me to consider the times I myself have been fearful to speak up for all the reasons she named. I have wondered myself, who am I going to make upset once I say this?  What’s going to happen? What am I going to do if this goes South?  Over  time, I have realized none of those are truly reasons to be silent. Years ago my dad told me “If you say the right thing at the wrong time, it is as if you have said the wrong thing”. That stuck with me because I witnessed him saying many things that myself and others needed to hear. Those things I needed to hear also made me very angry. Primarily because he used his words to illustrate and highlight truths that I was too prideful to acknowledge &  accept on my own.  I wonder, how my voice impacts others.  Truly, how will the words I speak or write resonate with my friends, family, classmates, colleagues and strang...

Rest, Child

Not sure what to blog about today. After a pretty intense conversation with my colleagues today I was utterly exhausted. I took a break to lie in bed to gather my thoughts before commencing class readings and homework. 3 hours later I woke up thinking “wow,  I must have been tired”. Rest these days seems to be more valuable and much more needed than I once thought. Monday, I decided no homework, just rest. I was energized Tuesday and ready for all that was before me. I managed to be productive and catch up on a few things.  Now 12:24 am and I am hitting the homework train.  I am slow walking the path to discovering why on Earth I am so tired. I think at this point have a few things to consider 1. Absence of protein (I typically eat 2 eggs 5 days per week)  2. The world affairs  3. More physical activity  4. Not enough water intake  Ok I get it. I need to get back on track and stick to the routine. It never fails me.  ...